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Sarah E Haywood Aspire2B Free Books


Standing Tall


A Guide to Help Those Growing Up around Depression

Price: $6.99 - Ebook

Audio – out soon

Do you feel like your life is limited but you are not sure why? 

Have you had lots of negative experiences in your life that have left you unable to trust others around you?
Have you grown up around depression?
Do you struggle with loving you?
Are you struggling to have successful love relationships?
Do YOU want positive change in your life?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, this book is perfect for you.
In 2011 Sarah received a spiritual awakening that changed her life forever. Since this day Sarah has been discovering new ways to live her life that have created positive change for both her and her children.
By reading this book you will discover how she did it, giving you ideas on how you too can do the same

Standing Tall


A Guide to Help Those Growing Up around Depression

Price:    £12.23 - Paperback
Postage: £2.50

Total: £14.73

Audio – out soon

Do you feel like your life is limited but you are not sure why? 

Have you had lots of negative experiences in your life that have left you unable to trust others around you?
Have you grown up around depression?
Do you struggle with loving you?
Are you struggling to have successful love relationships?
Do YOU want positive change in your life?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, this book is perfect for you.
In 2011 Sarah received a spiritual awakening that changed her life forever. Since this day Sarah has been discovering new ways to live her life that have created positive change for both her and her children.
By reading this book you will discover how she did it, giving you ideas on how you too can do the same



I bought your book a few years ago from a fayre you was at. Standing tall. I didn’t realise how much this book would go on to help me. I’ve read and listened to multiple self help books but this was so different, I’m grateful it helped me get through some stages in my life, especially the chapter on grief. You really changed my perspective on it and it’s a book I turn to now and again when I feel I need to. I just stumbled across your website and made the link to your book. I have seen your other books and I shall definitely be reading them too. Thanks so much. Sarah x

Sex & Relationship


Are You the One Holding Yourself Back - Ebook

Price: $3.99


Based on the authors own experiences, this book sets out to give an overview of the reasons why relationships don't always come together as you would like. 

Many people in these current times are finding relationships challenging. There is often a fear of rejection and a lack of love for the self which is holding you back. This book explains how you can overcome these difficulties and start to attract relationships that will bring happiness and joy into your life. 


Learn To Love Who You Are


Learn to Love Who you Are in 7 Easy Steps - Ebook

Price: $2.50


Understanding that you have a lack of love for yourself can be painful. It affects many aspects of your life, especially loving relationships. 

This book gives you simple guidance on ways that you can begin to overcome this lack of self love and learn to love all that you are. By doing this you can begin to attract in a different experience into your life and find happiness within.


Introduction Of Meditation


An Introduction to Meditation - Ebook

Price: Free


A great book to introduce Meditation into your life. It gives an explanation as to why Meditation could help you lead a better and more fulfilled life. 

It explains how emotions can have long lasting effects on our lives if not dealt with and why having some sort of Spiritual Awareness might bring some clarity to life itself. 

At the end there are some simple led meditations, which are very visual in their content and generally very effective in their outcome, if carried out as described. These are unique to this book as they have been channelled directly by Sarah from her own guides.

A great book for those who just want to start to understand how they can improve their lives in a simple and non intrusive way.

Magic Of Your Mind


The Magic of Your Mind - Ebook

Price: $1.99

​We are going through transitional changes on the earth in order to evolve our species. To allow this to happen old patterns of thinking and ways of behaving must change in order for new ones to be created. 

Your mind is one of the most powerful gifts you possess. it creates things in your life you are not always aware of. The more you get to know your mind the greater a gift it will become as you utilize it to its fullest potential. 

This book is full of ideas and ways in which you can stretch and grow your mind to incorporate new ways of thinking and believing into it. It is an avenue to teaching you how to be free and to learn to let go and let be. 

There are many self help books available at this present time and this one is very useful addition to them. It has been channelled from source and so is presented to you from a place of love. 

If you are looking to improve your life and to bring greater understanding into it, this book will be a great asset to you. You may find yourself closed to some of its content at first due to your current ways of thinking. However, the more you develop your awareness and your mind the more likely it is you will feel and see the truth from your core of what is being presented to you here. Nothing is impossible for after all you are a creator on this earth.


Manifest A Better World 1


Messages from Archangel Sandalphon – Life on Earth - Ebook


Price: Free


The evolution of mankind has taken a turn into a more spiritual way of being. This transition relies on people learning how to change their old patterning of the past. Sandalphon, Melchizedek and Uriel are Archangels and they have chosen to collaborate their knowledge and understanding of what is happening on the earth currently to give those who read it a different perspective to what they may already know or to give confirmation to those who are already aware.

This book is the first in the trilogy. Sandalphon is the Archangel in charge of the Earth. Sandalphon is passionate about all that exists on the earth and is keen to bring awareness that will give reassurance that mankind can live a more harmonious and loving life. Sandalphon has looked at many areas of the earth and its current state of being and given advice from their higher perspective as to how these areas may be improved in order to bring a better experience to all who live on the earth now and in the future. 

These books are channelled by Sarah Haywood. Sarah has been chosen as she is able to present the work as it comes to her. This allows the words to be untainted and pure as is their intention. These are important times of change and as such it is imperative that help from higher beings is able to find its way into the hands of all people who choose to read it. This knowledge and understanding will ignite the awareness and knowledge that is already sitting within all. it will be down to the individuals as to how much they wish to implement it into their lives.

Manifest A Better World 2


Messages from Archangel Melchizedek - Ebook


Price: $1.99 


There are many people over time that have been crying out for peace on earth. The archangels have listened. They have decided to collaborate together to bring information through many channels that will help give the answers on how this can be achieved. This book is one view from Archangel Melchizedek who is the angel of peace.

It is apparent that we are in changing times. During these times there are many questions being asked as to how to improve the lives of many. In this book Melchizedek explains the effects of current ways of thinking upon the earth and how collectively mankind can begin to change things, if they begin to unwind old patterning from the past and create new ones. 

Melchizedek explains about the Golden Age that we are in and how this will impact on those upon the earth. Included is much information about individual subjects that will be very close to many people's hearts. The more who read such information, the more quickly change can occur on the earth and a brighter future can be created for all upon the earth.

The effects of what is happening now is not only impacting on those currently living on the earth but also all those yet to be born. If mankind does not begin to take heed of the information that is coming through to them, the effects could be devastating. 

If you are questioning your life and the way we live, this book will lead you to ways of thinking that will not only resonate with you but will also help you to begin to feel strong enough to make the changes within yourself that could then have a positive impact on others around. 

Are you ready to make the changes necessary that will leave a positive lasting legacy for all those yet to be born? If so, this trilogy of books will give you a good foundation of knowledge to start you off or help you to expand further what you already know

Manifest A Better World 3


Messages from Archangel Uriel - Ebook


Price: $1.99


Archangel Uriel has come together with Archangels Sandalphon and Melchizedek to bring to you a trilogy of books that invite you to take a philosophical look at the way the planet earth is currently and how we might manifest a better world for future generations to come. 

For many the world has become a challenging place to be and this feeling of difficulty is impacting on the energies of the earth. These challenges are the result of old ways of thinking which have been embedded deep within societies and countries for many years. To help overcome these, the Archangels have put together a collection of information that is likely to invoke a positive response within you if you are at the point when it will resonate with you.

Everyone is capable of living a life that is happy and free. Each person is able to individually and collectively bring changes into their lives that will have a positive impact on those who are born now and in the future. 

The Archangels have lived upon the earth for many years before reaching their higher status. Archangel Uriel is known as the Light of God. Uriel is able to impart information, wisdom,,inspirational insights and epiphanies into people's lives to help bring them closer to living from their own higher purpose.

If you have begun to question the way people are living today and are feeling uncomfortable with it, these books will give you the reassurance you need to begin see the reasons behind this and how you may begin to adapt your life and your thinking in order to bring about positive change fo
r you.

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Messages from Archangel Uriel - Ebook


Price: $4.99


This book is a collection of messages from 28 past Ascended Masters who have come together to share knowledge to help you through challenging changing times. These messages are a reminder as to why it is important to connect to your higher power within so that you and others can live a fulfilled and joyful life.

The way you live impacts upon all. If you are focussed on negativity, this will create a life full of uncomfortable challenges. If you focus upon positive outcomes, fears and limitations that you thought were previously there, will begin to melt away and your life positively transform.

Within the Universe there are many in spirit form who are wishing to help you to live a happier and more fulfilled life - after all, if you do, this will impact on others around and a more positive World will emerge. 

In this book, 28 past Ascended Masters have come together to bring you wisdom about how you can help be part of a huge positive change upon the Earth at this time. Each one has a different energy and message to share reminding you of the higher power you have within. 

The human mind has a habit of limiting a persons life to that which is familiar and in its opinion, safe to try based on previous experiences. When a person runs their life only in their mind, their full potential is highly unlikely to be met in this lifetime. 

Tapping into your higher power, you have access to information and wisdom that is far greater than the human mind can comprehend. As such it has no limitations. Instead it knows your capabilities, even if you don't fully believe them yet, and will guide you into experiences that will enhance and develop your life into something much greater than you could comprehend if you simply stay focused within your human mind.

Each of these Masters have given a way to connect to them at the end of their message. If you feel drawn to their energy and the message they share, take some time to meditate and visualise as they have indicated and you will find yourself tapping into wisdom unique to your own personal journey that will help open new doors, give you a greater understanding of your life and others around and create open ended happiness within. 

The only thing that exists is now. Now is the time to be open to what is possible and see how much more you can do in your life that will also help leave a legacy behind for those yet to be born.

The greatest mastery o all mastering you.jpeg


Messages from Archangel Uriel - Ebook


Price: $5.99


The aim is to give you a greater understanding of the Divine aspect of yourself and what it can do to help enhance the life you live. By giving you an explanation of the differences between the Ego and the Divine, the hope is that it will help to give you information that will guide you in any decisions you may make when considering which pathway to take in your life

Within this book are ideas as to how you can be a master of the Divine energy that flows within you, whilst experiencing the Ego side of the human mind. It will give you guidance as to how you may deepen your awareness of a greater existence other than simply via the view of what you have experienced in the past.

The greatest mastery of all is mastering you. As you achieve this, your awareness of a greater perspective will increase. This in turn, will guide you away from fear. It will give you courage and confidence to make shifts in your life that will be more loving for you and all those you come across. 

When you take the time to consider your journey so far, it is amazing to acknowledge what you have already learnt and how much knowledge you have gained that can be shared with others. 

For those struggling with some of the same issues you have overcome, your knowledge would be invaluable wisdom that could help others to see through their difficulties at a faster rate than you. 

Recognizing your fears and acknowledging them can help you to accept yourself at this moment in time. By seeing fear for what it is and where it comes from can help you to work past it and begin to create a more positive outlook as you see the story it is. 

What if you were to be placed upon an island with only a pen and paper and all the food and shelter you need. What would you write about, what would you want to create from this space? Take some time to create such an island. Remove yourself from your life for one day or even a few and consider what is. If not a day, try a few hours. 

This book is full of many insights to help you move deeper into your existence and experience something about you that will help to inspire you to take a leap of faith and begin believing in who you are and what you can do.

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