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Ethically Sourced Hematoid Quartz Sphere - £48.85 including postage


Hematoid Quartz is a master balancer, balancing our mind, body and spirit. A perfect choice for those of us that suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth, Hematoid Quartz shows us self-love. Hematoid Quartz also helps with focus and concentration making it an essential choice for those that suffer from a scattered mind or short attention span. 


Red Hematoid Fire stones from Madagascar 

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Charoite Crystal Sphere - £78.85 including postage


Really beautiful quality 2" charoite crystal sphere. Some have gorgeous sunshine inclusions, others have black tourmaline and quartz. 


Charoite stimulates the Crown and Heart Chakras, synthesizing their energies to clear the aura and bring spiritual healing to the physical and emotional body. Resonating with Charoite’s high, spiritual energy opens one to their full potential and encourages a path of service to humanity. It enhances one’s giving nature and allows the heart to understand the “brotherhood of Light” that exists between an individual, the dualities, and the total environment of the planet. Charoite is an ideal crystal for acclimating to high-frequency vibrations and is highly beneficial for healers or others who work with these energies.

Made in Russia

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Angel Wing Scolecite Spheres - £14 each (Includes postage)


Beautiful Angel Wing Scolecite Spheres. Scolecite is a very peaceful and calming stone, it emanates a deep and relaxing peace that travels throughout one chakras system and aura. This stone helps to promote a very relaxed and uplifted feeling, it is a wonderful stone to use in meditation, or for someone looking to open their third eye chakra. Scolecite is said to be one of the stones that will help you connect with extra-terrestrial beings, if you want to. Aside from the connecting with extra-terrestrial beings, scolecite can also help you connect with inter-dimensional beings, such as angels, spirit guides, fairies and the like. Scolecite is helpful in accessing the Akashic records, it allows you to get information on ancient knowledge from past and even future civilizations. 


Made in United States of America

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Golden Tigers Eye Sphere - £14 including postage


Golden Tigers Eye Sphere, Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared - an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything, even through closed doors. It was chosen by the Egyptians for the eyes in their deity statues to express the divine vision and was believed to provide the protection of the sun and earth combined, of Ra, the sun god and Geb, God of the growing land. Linked to the magical tiger, the king of beasts in Eastern mythology, Tiger’s Eye portrayed courage, integrity and right use of power. Roman soldiers carried it to deflect weapons and to be brave in battle.

Made in China

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Labradorite Palm Stones - £16.50 including postage


The flashes of these ethically sourced LABRADORITE palm stones are absolutely M A G I C A L.  A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. Adding to its beauty are its protective qualities as well. Symbolizing both The Moon & The Sun, it can aid you in your journey of ascension. Providing you with intuition and vitality for your path of destiny, bringing faith and harmonious action.


Made in the United States of America

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Rhodonite Palm Stones - £11 Including postage


An extraordinary stone of the Heart Chakra, Rhodonite shares more than the lovely rose colour of its sister stone, Rhodochrosite. While both lays bare the emotional wounds and scars of the past for healing, restoration and reinvigoration, Rhodochrosite focuses on nurturing the inner self and reclaiming all one was meant to be. Rhodonite, richer in colour with effects that are deeper and more lasting, takes up the process and empowers one to reach one’s full potential, focusing one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. It is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It is a talisman to further the “brotherhood of humanity. You choose size, they will look similar to the photos. 

Made in Madagascar

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Rose Quartz Palm Stone - £12.50 Including postage


Really amp up the love energy in your home with this Rose Quartz Palm Stone! Its lovely energy is especially powerful if placed on your bedside table, or somewhere else close to your love nest. Called the Heart Stone, Rose Quartz may have been used as a love token as early as 600 B.C. and is still an important talisman of relationships. It is quite effective in attracting new love, romance and intimacy, or in developing a closer bond with family or friends. It supports connection within groups and community, and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine. 


Made in Madagascar

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Polychrome Jasper Heart - £8 Including postage


Polychrome Jasper is a crystal of exuberance, physical energy, vitality, and vibrance. This is a stone of Fire Energy -- the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion -- of ideas, concepts, and sex. Polychrome Jasper is a "happy energy" stone. It is said to bring good fortune and a happy outlook on life. It is also used to assist in attuning to and communication with animals. Polychrome jasper is a type of opaque, multi-colored chalcedony which develops in massive formations. It also goes by the name of Royal Savannah Jasper and Desert Jasper. It is believed to be one of the rarest jaspers in the world. 


Made in Madagascar

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Clear Quartz Heart - £9 Including postage


Beautifully polished clear quartz heart, a gorgeous addition to your crystal collection. Quartz is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. It is recognized as a stone of power. It can be used to clear and activate energy centres in the body. Quartz is one of the seven precious substances of Buddhism. 

Made in Madagascar

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Amazonite Heart - £9 – Including postage


Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation with others to live in alignment with those beliefs and values. It provides the freedom to express one’s thoughts and feelings, and to set strong and clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally on what one is willing to experience or in defining personal space. As a metaphysical healer, Amazonite soothes the chakras and aligns the physical body to the etheric. It is particularly rejuvenating to the Heart and Throat Chakras, enhancing loving communication on all levels.

Made in Madagascar

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Carnelian Heart - £8 Including postage


The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian "the setting sun." In its orange hues, they identified it with the receptive or passive female energies and associated it with the fertile menstrual blood of the mother goddess, Isis. In its red-orange to reddish brown shades, they considered it the active male energy stone, recognized by its glowing vibrant colour. Carnelian is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire. Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations.

Made in Madagascar

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Ethically Sourced Black Tourmaline Palm Stone = £17.50 Including postage


Beautiful polished black tourmaline palm stones. Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, that provides protection during ritual work. It can be used for scrying and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender, and to indicate a good direction in which to move. Black Tourmaline is an excellent grounding crystal for meditation and protection.   


This piece is ethically sourced!

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