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Sarah E Haywood Public Speaking


Finding your Inner Sparkle – Dare to be Different


Imagine a day where your heart is filled with joy and everything that you do within it feels amazing. Where all the people you meet around you are mesmerized by who you are and what you do and consequently join in with the feeling by embracing who they are too. How wonderful would it be to spread such positivity?


No day is ever the same. In fact, no second can ever be repeated. When life is this precious, what are you waiting for? What can you do now to celebrate this wonderful life that is yours?


Let Go, Let God and go with the flow


Recognizing your fears and acknowledging them can help you to accept yourself at this moment in time. By seeing fear for what it is and where it comes from can help you to work past it and begin to create a more positive outlook as you see the story it is. 


How many times have you gone to do something, but talked yourself out of it simply because you believe you know the outcome before it happens? This is the case for many. But what if that outcome hadn’t been? You will never know. What if you had instead simply seen it as a new experience, letting go of past stories. The outcome may have led to something positive instead. 


Learning to let go and let God allows you to hand over your worries and anxieties to a Universal loving energy that can then lead you to the solutions as your mind will be clear. 


Positive change really can happen.


Automatic Writing 


Working with Angels and Archangels


Angels are a gift from God. They are filled with light, pure hearted, non judgemental and a fountain of love.


Often loving the self can be the most challenging thing you do in your lifetime. Doing this alone can be a thankless task and can leave you feeling exhausted, unloved, lonely and unfulfilled if unachieved. 


Drawing on the help of the angels, can give you confidence, strength, courage, determination and loving support as you work upon yourself. They can guide you towards those that are perfect to help you, information that will enhance what you know and offer signs to confirm your own ideas.


In this talk, I will draw your attention to a few key angels that can help you and how. I will also do a beautiful loving meditation that will help you connect to your heart and invite you to open it to the angels. 


Finding Inspiration During Difficult Times


Taking time to consider ways to improve your wellbeing both mentally, physically and spiritually will not only add years to your life but will also mean you stay healthier throughout it. 


The healthier you are in body, mind and spirit, the easier it is to remain in this state during times of difficulty. This then allows you to give assistance to others when they need it most.


Whatever your experiences at this point of now, the World has changed. Many people have been left in fear. Masks being imposed. Businesses facing new rules, supply chains restricted, employees worried about themselves and their loved ones as the virus continues to be around.


Despite all of this, how does a person continue to feel inspired, motivated and filled with positivity – living in equanimity – able to cope with the ups and the downs?


In this talk, we will explore ways to remain balanced no matter what is happening in the World and within your own lives. We will think about inspiring opportunities and how you can implement them even whilst those around you are struggling


The Greatest Mastery of All, Mastering You


When you take the time to consider your journey so far, it is amazing to acknowledge what you have already learnt and how much knowledge you have gained that can be shared with others. For those struggling with some of the same issues you have overcome, your knowledge would be invaluable wisdom that could help them to see through their difficulties at a faster rate than you.  


You are the master of your own ship. No one can tell you who or what you should be in this world. No one is in charge of your existence, for you have chosen to be here at this time. It may seem crazy to think that you would have come to live on an earth that is in such turmoil. Yet what a wonderful time to exist here. So much has happened and there are so many opportunities to transform behaviours, to learn about emotions and to experience your senses than ever before. 


Using elements of the book The Greatest Mastery of All, Mastering You, this talk is aimed at giving you a flavour of what is possible should you decide to discover who you are and what unlimited power you hold to change your life and positively influence others to do the same.

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